Interior Wall Surfacing

Developed and implemented in a 2010 roll out , the new 20/20 prototype included custom colored Symbrick to match the exterior brick. Custom corners were also developed allowing for a fast and efficient installation as well guaranteeing consistent colors and quality at all their locations nationwide. We have both custom surfaces as well as stocked standard surfaces.

Exterior Architectural Elements

Lets Play Ball!
Custom molded exterior sports balls and capitols were developed for all the sports seasons. These custom colored, simulated metallic half and three quarter balls adorn and accentuate over fifty locations nationwide. Golf, basketball, baseball, volleyball and soccer balls allow you to play ball all year around. Manufactured in our patented Acrythane Composite System (ACS), these are lightweight, durable and easy to install.

Interior Wall Surfacing

Utilizing the same brick used at Macy’s Herald Square, this classical white brick sheeting was utilized to create a feature wall at their flagship store in NYC. This entire elevation was installed in less than four hours at a fraction of the cost and time of traditional materials. Our surfacing collection can be customized to fit any interior application.

FAO Schwartz